The Ultimate Truth of the Universe
Quantum science holds that our universe began with a big bang about 4 billion years ago, and no scientist can yet authoritatively say what existed before the “big bang”. But it is credible speculation that the birth of the universe is part of a cycle of creation and destruction
The Next Phase of Your Evolution-The Higher Self
Your current odyssey is about harnessing this refracted light, gathering it within your karmic body, the energetic template that holds the imprints of all your lifetimes.This body, also known as the etheric template.
The Universe is a reflection of consciousness. Everything in life, reality and experience, exists as if to attract your attention. Just as celestial bodies orbit the sun, your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and sensations are entirely dependent on the energy you put into them.
Quantum Entanglement and Consciousness
The commonality of molecules is atoms.The commonality of atoms is the nuclues and the eletron.Nuclear universals are protons and neutrons. Proton universals are neutrons and positrons.Neutrons, positrons and negative electrons are the simplest things in the universe.So they’re called elementary particles.
Nonlocality and Entanglement
“Spooky actions at a distance”, called by Albert Einstein to explain what nonlocality is within quantumn theory, was first described in the “EPR papers” of Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen in 1935.
Why you are not manifesting effectively and how to fix it?
In quantum physics, all possibilities exist within the present moment. But most of people’s brain anticipates future based on the past, not present. Hence we require training, practising finding the present moment, beginning to change habits, thoughts and behaviors.
Karma, it is just that impetus, urge, energy that encourages you to go back into balance with creation. It is just a sensation when you are out of balance.
The Heart Chakra The most important one for manifestation
The heart chakra is the strongest energy center and the most important one when it comes to manifesting what you want.
The Root Chakra
The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is primarily associated with manifesting money and financial stability.
The Location of Occult Power
The pineal gland has tiny little cilia, hair like extensions all around it. When you hold your breath and you finally let your breath out and you allow that cerebral spinal fluid (脑脊液加速)to accelerate.