We all know that the commonality that exists is the molecule.
The commonality of molecules is atoms.The commonality of atoms is the nuclues and the eletron.Nuclear universals are protons and neutrons. Proton universals are neutrons and positrons.Neutrons, positrons and negative electrons are the simplest things in the universe.So they’re called elementary particles.
What are the commonalities of elementary particles?Modern science shows the commonality of elementary particles is a quantum property.
The commonality of quantum properties is wave-particle duality.
What are the commonalities between wave and particle properties?
Particle properties are wave coherence.
Just two energy waves interfering in the air.
It doubles its local energy gain; local energy cancellation. It will form interference fringes of light and dark from interference phenomenon.
It will form a manifestation of an energy interference that is relatively stable in space.
When the energy structure enters a relatively stable state,this is the so-called “phase” (“Xiang” in Chinese Pingyin, with the meaning of “eye”in its Chinese character).We called about a phase transition in this object.It is not a superficial change of form. It is a change in the internal energy structure.
That’s when two energy waves come into play. It generates an internal energy structure.It presents what is called “Se” in Buddhism, generating particle states with its wavy nature. Waves are invisible. Therefore, it is called “Kong” in Chinese, meaning “Emptiness”.
Se is Kong, Kong is Se; it’s not increasing or decreasing, unsullied.
Our feelings, our conscious activity, the motive relationships we see, the information we accumulate, the expression constitutes the perception of thought and action. Therefor, “the Heart Sutra” says the “Remains the same. There is no difference.” Emptyness is receiving. It is just an expression of the energy structure.This leads us to the very simple conclusion that all things in existence are energy waves.
Professor Liu Feng, Peking University